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             Albert C. Kean Post 149 General Meeting Minutes



Meeting Date:       March 18, 2025                 Time:  1800                                                                                                                                                                                       

Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)


Commander: Dave Marsland- P


Adjutant: L. Willie Nelson- P


1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- E


2nd Vice Commander:  Cailin Goldey- P


Finance Officer:  Rick Baker- P


Chaplain: Dick Topness- A


Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- P


Sgt-At-Arms:  Ernie Williams III- P


Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT


Guests:     Position/Post Representing:



Draping of the Charter:

Willian R Long Jr


Opening of the Meeting:


The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

  15    Members, including Officers,    0     Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Dave Garrett  , seconded by   Ernie Williams  , motion carried.   


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by  Sean Gray  , seconded by _Ernie Williams  , motion carried.


Statements from Guests:




Tom (Driller) Huckabee, Kenneth Nail


New Members and Transfers:

New Members- 4 Transfers- 0.  Motion By Adjutant Nelson to accept all was seconded by Sean Gray,  Motion carried


Membership (Goal  440   ): ( Lee Felder Jr )

-  328_ Traditional + 76 PUFL =  404   (  91.8 %_) as of Transmittal 25-19 dtd 03/18/2025..

   Motion to accept by   Adjutant Nelson   _, Seconded by _ Ernie Williams  _. Motion recorded.



                                          COMMITTEE REPORTS


Activities: (Cailin Goldey)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Every other Thursday, Boozy Bingo at 6PM, The other Thursday is “Show Me the Money” game 6PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM, Amount 3/21 is $2124, Meal is TBD

- Mar 22- Starting at noon Texas Hold-em Tournament

- Mar 22- Luau at the post, sign up here for event at the post, Proceeds are going for an AED for the

  post and remainder to Retsil Bldg 10

- April 13, A Fundraiser to be held for Driller while going through Chemo treatments. All sales for the

  day will go for this, 1-7 PM

- May 17- Armed Forces Day Parade, Planning in progress for float and Active Duty to participate

- May 26- Memorial Day Planning for Flag Placement and wreath ceremony


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

- Kitchen Vent cleaning Has been completed.


Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- Planning for upcoming Spring Ride for Dust Your Putt. May 3rd.

- On August 16, 2025, the Riders are asked to assist and lead a ride sponsored by Joel Gibson Jr.

- September the Vietnam Traveling Healing Wall will be in Port Townsend. Looking to escort it from 

  Ellensburg and security shifts while on display.

- 2025 ROMP will be held in Tombstone Sep 17-21, 2025

- The 2025 Run to Tahoma “Unforgotten Run” is cancelled due to there are no sets of unclaimed

  remains in the Tri County area


Historian: (Dave Riley)

New Computer on hand, transfer of information is in progress


Old Business:



New Business and Correspondence:

- A message was received from Jamie Garcia form the Nanaimo Bath Tub Boat Racing asking about a

  possibility of restarting the Boat Races again, consensus from the membership generated no interest

  in this. But the invitation for them to come down is open.


Good of The Legion:

- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

  please let him know.

- The “Goal Meter” in the lounge is for the purchase of heaters for the back deck.

- MOU from National tp Department of WA has passed- 14 Yes, 1 Abstain out of the voting members

  present. There are 17 voting members on the DEC, and 2 voting members were absent.

- Dave Booth- Asking about the new hall rental prices. New rates are Legion Members (IN GOOD

  STANDING) OR Active Duty- $50 Refundable Deposit, $100 use of the Kitchen, Suggested $100

  donation for Hall. Non-Members- $50 Refundable Deposit, $100 for use of the Kitchen, $100 for Hall

  use. Further information is on the rentals page for the post website



Motion to adjourn made by   Rick Baker   , seconded by   Pete Gould    Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @  1825   .     



       ON FILE                                                                 ON FILE                                   

   Willie Nelson                                                      Dave Marsland

      Adjutant                                                           Commander









Meeting Date:      February 18, 2025        Time 1800                                                                                                                                                                                 


Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)


Commander: Dave Marsland- P


Adjutant: L. Willie Nelson- P


1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- E


2nd Vice Commander:  Cailin Goldey- E


Finance Officer:  Rick Baker- P


Chaplain: Dick Topness- P


Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- E


Sgt-At-Arms:  Ernie Williams III- P


Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT


Guests:     Position/Post Representing:



Draping of the Charter:



Opening of the Meeting:


The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

   15      Members, including Officers,    0      Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Dave Riley  , seconded by  Paul Nelson  , motion carried.   


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by   Dave Riley   , seconded by _Carl Johnson , motion carried.


Statements from Guests:



Sick call:



New Members and Transfers:

New Members- 2 Transfers- 1.  Motion By Adjutant Nelson to accept all was seconded by  Ernie Williams , Motion carried


Membership (Goal  440   ): ( Lee Felder Jr )

-  328_ Traditional + 76 PUFL =  404   (  91.8 %_) as of Transmittal 25-19 dtd 02/07/2025..

   Motion to accept by   Adjutant Nelson   _, Seconded by _  Pete Gould    _. Motion recorded.



                                COMMITTEE REPORTS


Activities: (Cailin Goldey)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Every other Thursday, Boozy Bingo at 6PM, The other Thursday is “Show Me the Money” game 6PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM

- Mar 1- Steak Night hosted by the Auxiliary 5-7PM, Joel Gibson JR is playing 7-9PM

- Mar 4- Gumbo for Fat Tuesday

- Mar 22- Starting at noon Texas Hold-em Tournament

- Mar 22- Luau at the post, sign up here for event at the post, Proceeds are going for an AED for the

  post and remainder to Retsil Bldg 10


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

- Kitchen Vent cleaning is needed; scheduling is in progress


Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- Planning for upcoming Spring Ride for Dust Your Putt. May 3rd.

- On August 16, 2025, the Riders are asked to assist and lead a ride sponsored by Joel Gibson Jr.

- September the Vietnam Traveling Healing Wall will be in Port Townsend. Looking to escort it from 

  Ellensburg and security shifts while on display.

- 2025 ROMP will be held in Tombstone Sep 17-21, 2025


Historian: (Dave Riley)

In progress


Old Business:



New Business and Correspondence:



Good of The Legion:

-  CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

   please contact him.

- The “Goal meter” in the lounge for procurement of heaters for the back deck.



Motion to adjourn made by   Paul Nelson  , seconded by   Dave Riley   Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @  1825   .     


        ON FILE                                                              ON FILE                                  

   Willie Nelson                                                      Dave Marsland

      Adjutant                                                             Commander





Meeting Date:                  January 25, 2025        Time: 1800                                                                                                                                                                                   


Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)


Commander: Dave Marsland- P


Adjutant: L. Willie Nelson- P


1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- E


2nd Vice Commander:  Cailin Goldey- P


Finance Officer:  Rick Baker- P


Chaplain: Dick Topness- P


Jr Past Commander: Dave Garrett- E


Sgt-At-Arms:  Ernie Williams III- P


Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT


Historian: Dave Riley- P


Guests:                                              Position/Post Representing:

Keri Williams                                     Auxiliary Unit 149 President

Kimmie Kruzner                               Auxiliary Unit 149 Member


Draping of the Charter:

James Karosich. Charles Cash SR,


Opening of the Meeting:


The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

   18    Members, including Officers,    2     Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Sean Gray  , seconded by   Paul Nelson  , motion carried.   


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by   Sean Gray  , seconded by _Dave Riley  , motion carried.



Statements from Guests:

Keri Williams- March 22, JR Aux will be holding a Luau Dinner, Starting the gathering of welcome baskets for Retsil’s Bldg 10, Valentine’s Day event is not happening.


Sick call:



New Members and Transfers:

New Members- 2 Transfers- 1.  Motion By Adjutant Nelson to accept all was seconded by   Sean Gray   , Motion carried


Membership (Goal  440   ): ( Lee Felder Jr )

-  303_ Traditional + 76 PUFL =  379   (  86.1 %_) as of Transmittal 25-17 dtd 01/03/2025..

   Motion to accept by   Adjutant Nelson  , Seconded by _ Pete Gould_. Motion recorded.





Activities: (Cailin Goldey)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Every other Thursday, Boozy Bingo at 6PM, The other Thursday is “Show Me the Money” game 6PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM

- Saturday is the showing of the movie “6888” starting at 4PM. Movie snacks available for sale

- Post is now open on Sundays for football Until February 16

- Feb 8 Texas Hold em Party

- Super Bowl Party Feb 9


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

-  Nothing to report


Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- Riders are holding a Rider Social night on Feb 8

- the 2025 ROMP will be held in Tombstone Sep 17-21, 2025

- Planning for upcoming Spring Ride for Dust Your Putt. April time frame

- In August 2025, the Riders are asked to assist and lead a ride sponsored by Joel Gibson Jr.

- September the Vietnam Traveling Healing Wall will be in Port Townsend. Looking to escort it from  

  Ellensburg and security shifts while on display.


Historian: (Dave Riley)

In progress


Old Business:

- Voting for E-Board Position 4- Erne Williams was voted in to complete the remainder of the term.

  Motion by Rick Baker to destroy the ballots was seconded by Sean Gray, motion carried.


New Business and Correspondence:



Good of The Legion:

- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

  please contact him.

- The “Goal meter” in the lounge for procurement of heaters for the back deck.

- A Thank You card was sent to the Post for their support in fundraising for the “Pound the Sound Run”

  from the Hombres Motorcycle Club, Veteran’s Motorcycle Coalition, and Retsil Bldg 10

- Matt Shillenberg- Noted that there will be a Veteran’s Standdown held on April 26, Thank you to the

  Bremerton Auxiliary Unit 149 for their Women’s Panty Drive for the female veterans of Kitsap County.

  He is also on the Legislative Coalition and a couple of bills for this WA term is for Military Spouses

  that have a cosmetology license from another state, will be honored by WA.

  A top priority is that every county has at least one certified VSO, Currently Kitsap County does not,

  and a bill to the House that for 100% disables veterans be tax Exempt from property taxes. March 6 at

  the VFW Post 2669 (Port Orchard) there will be a VA Certified VSO to offer assistance.

  As a follow up from the Auxiliary Startup baskets, the Dollar Store will work with members to put a

  table up asking for donations and items from a list.

- Rick Becker- He is here at the post on Thursday’s from 2:30 to 5PM to assist local Veteran’s through

  the Kitsap Area Veteran’s Alliance (KAVA) for filing paperwork for assistance. This is NOT for the VA



Motion to adjourn made by   Paul Nelson , seconded by   Pete Gould    Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @  1837    .     


              ON FILE                                                                      ON FILE                                    

         Willie Nelson                                                          Dave Marsland

           Adjutant                                                                   Commander













​© 2001-2015 Albert C. Kean Post 149, Bremerton Wa. All rights
reserved. The emblems and logos of the American Legion, the American Legion
Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion and the Legion Riders are copyrighted
by the American Legion National Headquarters. Emblems and logos of other
organizations are the sole property of those organizations and are used with permission.​​


Website created and managed by legion149webmaster.


Website Hosting​ and ​​​​​Domain Name Registration by ©Verio Inc.

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