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             Albert C. Kean Post 149 General Meeting Minutes


Meeting Date:       June 18, 2024                      Time : 1800                                                                                                                                                                                               


Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)



Commander: Dave Marsland- P                     

Adjutant: L. WIllie Nelson- P

1st Vice Commander: Lee Felder- P

2nd Vice Commander: Lou Barbero- P

Finance Officer:  Rick Baker- P

Chaplain: Dick Topness- E


Sgt-At-Arms:  Dave Garrett- F

Sr. and Jr, Color Bearer: VACANT

Historian: Dave Riley- P

Service Officer: VACANT



Guests:                  Position/Post Representing:

Keri Williams-  Unit 149 Incoming Auxiliary President

Sheryl Baker- Unit 149 Auxiliary Membership

Judy Falcon- Unit 149 Auxiliary Member

Chrissy Huckabee- Lounge Manager and Unit 149 Auxiliary Member

Bob Theal- 3rd District Commander

Draping of the Charter:

Barrie Muller


Opening of the Meeting:


The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

   21   Members, including Officers,    5     Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes made by _Harley Gaddy  , seconded by  Larry Daley  , motion carried.


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by   Harley Gaddy  , seconded by _Dave Riley   , motion carried.


Statements from Guests:

- Keri Williams- Auxiliary Yard Sale Saturday June 22, serving lasagna for King of Clubs

- Sheryl Baker- Thank you to all attending the meeting

- Bob Theal- Thank you to post for making Goal, USS Reagan will be arriving in Bremerton later this

  year, please welcome them in, thank you to Dave Riley for representing Post 149 at Fire Station 45

  for the presentation of their flag, Noted information on convention and happenings


Sick call:



New Members and Transfers:

New Members- 5, Transfers- 2 Motion by Adjutant Nelson to accept new members was seconded by  

 Harley Gaddy  . Motion carried


Membership (Goal 432 ): ( Lee Felder Jr )

-  384_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = _460_ ( 106 %_) as of Transmittal 24-32 report dtd 05/21/2024 .

 Motion to accept by   Lee Felder    _, Seconded by _   Larry Daley    _. Motion recorded.





Activities: (Luis Barbero)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM

- Aug 31- Post Picnic Bremerton Elks


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

- Lower HVAC System is having issues. Randy’ H/C have been over several times to make repairs.

  Looking at a new system in the near future. Working on other avenues for financing

- Keg Cooler has been repaired. Unit is old, so still looking at a Glycol system

- Deep Fat Fryer is repaired

- PSE Lighting changeout, still waiting on scheduling

- Tri-Tek has replaced the recalled Heat Sensors throughout the building.


Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- May 25 Participating in the “Unforgotten Run to Tahoma” Meet at the post at 8:15-8:30AM

- Western ROMP will be held in Bellingham August 8-11. Registration available at   through June 30 $65, after July 1 $75

- State ALR Rally will be in Amboy, Aug 8-11

- Annual 911 Run scheduled for Sept 14. May go from west to East this year over the North Cascades

  Highway from Bellingham to Wenatchee and back to Bremerton.


Historian: (Dave Riley)

-   Working is in progress on the book, hope to have it completed by summer.


Old Business:

- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR.

  Further information will be provided following Department Convention

- Department Convention will be in Kennewick July 12-14, Candidates attending are CDR Marsland,

  Adjutant Nelson and Rick Becker

  Question asked if membership was ok with the representatives voting on the acceptance of the new

  By-laws . Motion by Harley Gaddy that the delegates vote accordingly for the acceptance of bylaws.

  Seconded by Larry Daley, Motion Carried


- Voting for the 2024/2025 Post Officers

Commander- Dave Marsland                              1st Vice- DR. Lee Felder

2nd Vice – Cailin Goldey                                       Finance- Rick Baker

Chaplain- Dick Topness                                       Historian- Dave Riley

SAA- Ernie Williams III                                        

E-Board Pos1 Willie Nelson                                 E-Board Pos 3- Paul Nelson

Motion by Harley Gaddy that being unopposed positions, present a vote of acclimation for the membership

was seconded by Pete Gould, Motion carried. Adjutant ordered ballots to be destroyed

New Business and Correspondence:

- Kevin Russell from Carson Post is also a candidate for Department Commander


Good of The Legion:

- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

   please contact him.

- Ernie Williams- Thank you for the help and getting the dart boards up and, also there is a Corn Hole

  League that has sponsorships for $25 and in that they will advertise the post in all their facebook


- Matt Shillenburg- Noted that there is a KAVA Fund raiser at the 19th Hole on Wedd 19 Jun starting at


- Rick Baker- Motion to donate $500 to KAVA for their use was seconded by Ernie Williams, Motion

  carried, thank you to Chrissy and Lindsey in putting the plaques up around the post and obtaining the

  dart Boards, thank you to Aux for all their support to the post. Noted the yard sale and the lasagna


- Harley Gaddy will be transferring and is inviting all to his farewell party August 23

- Zach Houser- Noted that Grey Chevrolet is holding their Corvette Show on Jun 29, all are invited.



Motion to adjourn made by    Rick Baker  , seconded by  Harley Gaddy     Therefore, being no further business

to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @  1852     .     



       ON FILE                                                                         ON FILE                                  

   Willie Nelson                                                               Dave Marsland

      Adjutant                                                                      Commander

Meeting Date:        May 21. 2024          Time: 1800                                                                                                                                                                                            

Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)

Commander: Dave Marsland- P

Adjutant: L. “Willie” Nelson- P

1st Vice Commander: Dr E. Lee Felder Jr- P

2nd Vice Commander: Luis Barbero- P

Finance Officer: Rick Baker- P

Jr. Past Commander: Dave Garrett- E

Chaplin: Dick Topness- P


Sgt-At-Arms: Bruce Fanning- A, , Paul Nelson- F


Historian: Dave Riley- P

Sr. Color Bearer: VACANT

Jr. Color Bearer: VACANT

Service Officer: VACANT




Position/Post Representing:

Kari Williams - Aux 149 Unit Incoming President

Carol Topness - Aux 149 Incoming Vice President


Draping of the Charter:



The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

  17    Members, including Officers,    2     Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes as Corrected made by _Elizabeth Schuette , seconded by Pete Gould  ,

motion carried.


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by    Elizabeth Schutte   , seconded by _Paul Nelson   , motion carried.

Discussion on the clarification of the new Dues Account as to what is is and how it works. m


Statements from Guests:

Kari Williams- Wanted to thank all who helped out with the parade. Had candy to make it ¾ of the way through.

On May 25 there will be a baby shower at 4PM and at 6PM, there will be a Paint & Sip at the post with proceeds to go to Retsil

June 21- is the annual Yard Sale, Donation will be accepted starting June 4th. Please no clothes

The Auxiliary has elected new Officers and will be installed in September


Sick call:



New Members and Transfers:

New Members, 7 Transfers- 2, Motion by Adjutant Nelson to accept new members was seconded by                   

 Elizabeth Schuette   . Motion carried


Membership (Goal 432 ): ( Lee Felder Jr )                                 

-  384_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = _460_ ( 106 %_) as of Transmittal 24-32 report dtd 05/21/2024 .

  Motion to accept the report made by _Adjutant Nelson_, Seconded by _Pete Gould _. Motion recorded.



Activities: (Luis Barbero)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM

- May 17- Set up Trailer for Armed Forces Day Parade. Ample help

- May 18- Armed Forces Day Parade. Coordinate with Lounge manager for where and when

- May 27 Memorial Day ceremony at Ivy Green, Place Flags at 7AM, retrieve flags at 5PM Ceremony

  meet at Cemetery at Noon. Contact Dave Riley and Sign up in the Lounge. Following the ceremony

  the Riders will be doing a Burger Burn for $10. The Post will be open at Noon, Harley Gaddy will be

  the Volunteer Bartender.


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

- Lower HVAC System is having issues. Randy’ H/C have been over several times to make repairs.

  Looking at a new system in the near future. Working on other avenues

- Keg Cooler has gone out again. Will call All Trades to troubleshoot. Still looking at a Glycol system

- Deep Fat Fryer is still in need of repair, Calling All Trades

- PSE Lighting changeout, still waiting on scheduling

- Contacting Tri-Tek for the replacement of recalled Heat Sensors throughout the building

Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- May 25 Participating in the “Unforgotten Run to Tahoma” Meet at the post at 8:15-8:30AM

- Western ROMP will be held in Bellingham August 8-11. Registration available at   through June 30 $65, after July 1 $75

- State ALR Rally will be in Amboy, Aug 8-11

- Annual 911 Run scheduled for Sept 14. May go from west to East this year over the North Cascades

  Highway from Bellingham to Wenatchee and back to Bremerton.


Historian: (Dave Riley)

- Working is in progress on the books. Have a lot of new and old pictures that will be posted. Had a computer issue and recovery is in progress

Old Business:

- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR.

  Further information will be provided following Department Convention

- Department Convention will be in Kennewick July 12-14. Lodging info on website. Candidates to attend   

   are CDR Marsland, Adjutant Nelson and Rick Becker


- Nominations for 2024/2025 Post Officers;


Commander _Dave Marsland__                        1st Vice Commander __Lee Felder Jr__


2nd Vice Commander _Cailin Goldey_                Finance Officer  _  Rick Baker       ____


Chaplain __Dick Topness_____                         Sergeant-At-Arms __Ernest Williams III__


SR/JR Color Bearer _None___________           Historian  ___Dave Riley__________


E-Board Position  1 (WN) _L. “Willie” Nelson_   E-Board Position 2 (PN) _Paul Nelson__


New Business and Correspondence:


- Al Jensen from Bellingham is running for Department Commander, Bio and outline available in the



Good of The Legion:

- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

   please contact him.

- Dave Riley-  A group of Branch 10, Sister Post from Nanaimo Canadian Legion will be down for the

  Memorial Day ceremonies. Working on post being open Monday at noon. They will be arriving on

  Friday and this is a new group that have not been here before. Welcome them on in.

 Thank you to all who participated in the decorating and in the parade for Armed Forces Day.

- Elizabeth Schuette wanted to thank the post for their continuing support and will be going back to CA.

  F.O. Baker and others wanted to thank her for her support here at the post for all she has done


Motion to adjourn made by   Elizabeth Schuette  , seconded by   Pete Gould    Therefore, being no further

business to come before the membership, the meeting was adjourned @  1844   .     



        ON FILE                                                                         ON FILE                                 

   L. "Willie" Nelson                                                        Dave Marsland

     Adjutant                                                                       Commander

Meeting Date:        April 16, 2024          Time: 1800                                                                                                                                                                                              

Roll Call of Officers: (P =Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, V = Vacant. F= Fill In)

Commander: Dave Marsland- P

Adjutant:  L. “Willie” Nelson- P

1st Vice Commander: Dr E. Lee Felder Jr- P

2nd Vice Commander: Luis Barbero- E

Finance Officer: Rick Baker- E

Jr. Past Commander: Dave Garrett- P

Sgt-At-Arms: Bruce Fanning- E

Chaplin: Dick Topness- A

Historian: Dave Riley- P

Sr/Jr Color Bearer: VACANT

Service Officer: VACANT




Position/Post Representing:

Kari Williams   Auxiliary Unit 149


Draping of the Charter:

James Strachan, Gerald Alameda and Arthur Sperber


Opening of the Meeting:


The meeting was opened in the normal manner by Commander Dave Marsland @  1800    .

  20   Members, including Officers,    1     Guests


Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to accept the reading of the minutes as Corrected made by _Sean Gray  , seconded by   Pete Gould     motion carried.


Finance Officer’s Report:

Finance Officers report read, Motion to accept made by   Harley Gaddy   , seconded by _Elizabeth Schutte , motion carried.


Statements from Guests:

Kari Williams- Donation for the parking for Grading, Elections to happen in May, holding an in-house garage sale Jun 21/22,

holding a paint and sip Date pending, Following the meeting- Girls State packets have been distributed. Rick Becker thanked the Auxiliary

for their support for the Back Lot and for the hosting the Jr Auxiliary


Sick call:



New Members and Transfers:

New Members- 1,  Transfers-  1. Motion by Adjutant Nelson to accept new members was seconded by Elizabeth Schuttte . Motion carried


Membership (Goal 432 ): ( Lee Felder Jr )

-  370_ Traditional + 76 PUFL = _446_ ( 103. %_) as of Transmittal 24-30 report dtd 04/09/2024 .

   Motion to accept the report made by _Lee Felder_, Seconded by _Harley Gaddy _. Motion recorded.


                                                                     COMMITTEE REPORTS


Activities: (Luis Barbero)

- Wednesdays. 3-ball pool games starting at 3PM

- Fridays Post has King of Clubs 6PM

- May 17- Set up Trailer for Armed Forces Day Parade. Ample help

- May 18- Armed Forces Day Parade. Coordinate with Lounge manager for where and when

- May 27 Memorial Day ceremony at Ivy Green, Place Flags at 7AM, retrieve flags at 5PM Ceremony

  meet at Cemetery at Noon.


Building: (Larry Phillips Primary/Rick Baker Secondary)

- Lower HVAC System is having issues. Randy’ H/C have been over several times to make repairs.

  Looking at a new system in the near future. F.O. Baker has submitted for grant funding from the

  legislature. April time frame possible answer- Was not Funded

- Keg Cooler has been repaired with new thermostat

- Deep Fat Fryer is still in need of repair

- PSE Lighting changeout, still waiting on scheduling


Legion Riders: (Dave Garrett)

- Working on the 2024 Dust Your Putt Run Apr 27, Stops planned are Camp Union Saloon, Flotation

  Device and Manchester Pub. Burgers and Fries after the ride with registration

- May 25 Participating in the “Unforgotten Run to Tahoma” Meet at the post at 8:15-8:30AM

- Western ROMP will be held in Bellingham August 8-11. Registration available at   through June 30 $65, after July 1 $75

- State ALR Rally will be in Amboy, Aug 8-11



Historian: (Dave Riley)

-   Working is in progress on the books. Have a lot of new and old pictures that will be posted


Old Business:

- The Post is in need of a Service Officer. Training is available online and if interested, contact CDR.

  Further information will be provided following Department Convention

- Department Convention will be in Kennewick July 12-14. Lodging info to follow. Candidates to attend are CDR Marsland, Adjutant Nelson and Rick Becker

- SR/JR Color Bearer _None _. 

New Business and Correspondence:

- Nominations for 2024/2025 Post Officers;


Commander _Dave Marsland__                          1st Vice Commander __Lee Felder Jr__


2nd Vice Commander _Cailin Goldey_                Finance Officer  _None_______


Chaplain __Dick Topness_____                               Sergeant-At-Arms __Ernest Williams III__


SR/JR Color Bearer _None___________                   Historian  ___Dave Riley__________


E-Board Position  1 (WN) _L. “Willie” Nelson_     E-Board Position 2 (PN) _Paul Nelson__


Good of The Legion:

- CDR Marsland- If any members have some suggestions for getting more membership participation,

   please contact him.

- Kitchen Freezer has gone out. A new one has been purchased. Thank You to Harley Gaddy

- Rick Becker- April 27, Kitsap Veteran’s Stand Down at Sherridan Park Community Center from 10 AM

  to 2 PM. There will be Accredited VSO’s from the VFW and a mobile unit form the DOL to process

  Drivers Licenses renewals and replacements of both regular and enhanced

-Thank you to the Son’s, Auxiliary, Fat Boy, Jack, Q, Deb, Ernie Jarvis and all others who donated

  funds to grade and fill in the back gravel lot. There is a sewer Line rupture from Yak’s that is in need

  of attention so that the project can be completed

- Harley Gaddy- Past National Son’s of The American Legion National Commander has been invited

  and will be visiting April 18-22.

- Dave Riley-  A group of Branch 10 Sister Post from Nanaimo Canadian Legion will be down for the

  ceremonies. Working on post being open for the Sunday and Monday

- Harley Gaddy- For the Armed Forces Day Parade, the Juniors will be marching alongside the float.

  They are in need of candy for handing out through the parade. Hard individually wrapped is needed.



Motion to adjourn made by   Sean Gray   , seconded by   Dave Riley    Therefore, being no further business to come before the membership,

the meeting was adjourned @  1838   .     



                 ON FILE                                                                          ON FILE             

              Willie Nelson                                                               Dave Marsland

               Adjutant                                                                        Commander




​© 2001-2015 Albert C. Kean Post 149, Bremerton Wa. All rights
reserved. The emblems and logos of the American Legion, the American Legion
Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion and the Legion Riders are copyrighted
by the American Legion National Headquarters. Emblems and logos of other
organizations are the sole property of those organizations and are used with permission.​​


Website created and managed by legion149webmaster.


Website Hosting​ and ​​​​​Domain Name Registration by ©Verio Inc.

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