Albert C. Kean Post 149 Executive Board Minutes
Meeting Date: March 04, 2025 Time: 1730
Roll Call of Officers: (P = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, L = Late, F- Fill In, V = Vacant)
Commander- Dave Marsland-P 1st Vice Commander- Dr E. Lee Felder-E
2nd Vice Commander- Cailin Goldey- E Finance Officer- Rick Baker- P
Jr. Past Commander- Dave Garrett- P
Member at Large (2027)- Willie Nelson- P Member at Large (2027)- Paul Nelson- P
Member at Large (2025)- Jon Wright- P Member at Large (2025)- Ernie Williams- L
Member at Large (2026)- Dave Riley- P Member at Large (2026)- Dana Bolte- P
Total Voting Members Present 9 (7 Minimum)
Guest(s): Bob Theal- 3D Commander
Guest Statements
2024 VA Patient Guide was distributed, Department Charter was returned Mar1, MOU is out and will be voted on by DEC Monday Mar 10, 3rd Dist Spring Conference will be Mar 22 in Port Townsend, Department Convention Jul 12-13 in Spokane Valley
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Minutes from the previous meeting were read, motion to accept the reading of minutes made by Dave Garrett , seconded by Rick Baker , motion carried
Finance Report:
Finance Report was read, motion to accept was made by Paul Nelson seconded by Dave Garrett , motion carried.
Old/New Business:
Adjudication of donation funds from the Estate of past member to be discussed when received. Still Waiting, Family dispersing funds
There will be a Town Hall and Congressional Staff/VSO meeting Virtual Meeting on Mar 12 at 5:30 PM, for Women Veteran’s Town Hall. Call (866) 478-3406 or Internet: or Facebook streamed on Meeting ID is 286 657 809 139 and passcode: D79WQz6pj
An opportunity for the US Semiquincentennial of signing Declaration of Independence is looking for partners for “America250” themes. Web address is
Correspondence from Greener Property out of Portland, OR is interested in the purchase of the parking Lot, Board does not desire to sell property (Parking Lot).
Zoom Meeting addressing the MOU for Department that was held Monday Mar 3 about discussion of the MOU.
Good of the Legion:
A Zoom Round Table Zoom Meeting addressing the MOU for Department that will occur again on Monday at 6:30.
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month Information to Activities Coordinator
We need to really start pushing membership and renewals as well as hall rentals,
Motion to adjourn made by Rick Baker seconded by Ernie Williams meeting adjourned at 1756 .
L. “Willie” Nelson H. Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander
Meeting Date February 04, 2025 Time: 1730 .
Roll Call of Officers: (P = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, L = Late, F- Fill In, V = Vacant)
Commander- Dave Marsland-P 1st Vice Commander- Dr E. Lee Felder-E
2nd Vice Commander- Cailin Goldey- P Finance Officer- Rick Baker- P
Jr. Past Commander- Dave Garrett- P
Member at Large (2027)- Willie Nelson- P Member at Large (2027)- Paul Nelson- E
Member at Large (2025)- Jon Wright- A Member at Large (2025)- Ernie Williams- P
Member at Large (2026)- Dave Riley- P Member at Large (2026)- Dana Bolte- P
Total Voting Members Present 8 (7 Minimum)
Joel Gibson Jr and Brittney Gibson, Chrissy Huckabee- Lounge Manager, Mitch Halloran- ALR 149 Asst Director
Guest Statements
Joel- Aug 16 there is a planned motorcycle ride for local Non-profit charities that he is wanting to help sponsor and facilitate the event. He is asking if the
Legion and Riders can help out with this. The end will be at Camp Union and he will put on a concert there for the event. Rick Baker asked that we hold a
separate meeting for planning purposes on Tuesday Feb 11 Following the Riders Meeting.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Minutes from the previous meeting were read, motion to accept the reading of minutes made by Dave Garrett , seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried
Finance Report:
Finance Report was read, motion to accept was made by Dave Garrett seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried.
Old/New Business:
Adjudication of donation funds from the Estate of Bill Swank to be discussed when received.
Good of the Legion:
Rick Baker- The Old HVAC system over the bar is in need of annual servicing, Randy’s H/C performed this service and had to replace a Pressure Switch
and an igniter. Cost for all this service was less that the allotted amount voted on by the Board.
Dave Marsland- Good job to the Riders who helped with the last Steak Night,
Rick Baker- In mention of the Joel Gibson Jr Ride, made a motion asking that the Legion Post support this event through the use of raffle and event Licensing, was seconded by Cailin Goldey, Motion carried
Motion to adjourn made by Dave Riley seconded by Dave Garrett , meeting adjourned at 1812 .
L. “Willie” Nelson H. Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander
Meeting Date January 07, 2025 Time: 1730 .
Roll Call of Officers: (P = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, L = Late, F- Fill In, V = Vacant)
Commander- Dave Marsland-P 1st Vice Commander- Dr E. Lee Felder-E
2nd Vice Commander- Cailin Goldey- P Finance Officer- Rick Baker- P
Jr. Past Commander- Dave Garrett- P
Member at Large (2027)- Willie Nelson- P Member at Large (2027)- Paul Nelson- p
Member at Large (2025)- Jon Wright- A Member at Large (2025)- Ernie Williams- F
Member at Large (2026)- Dave Riley- P Member at Large (2026)- Dana Bolte- P
Total Voting Members Present 10 (7 Minimum)
Total Voting Members Present 9 (7 Minimum)
Guest Statements
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Minutes from the previous meeting were read, motion to accept the reading of minutes made by Paul Nelson , seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried
Finance Report:
Finance Report was read, motion to accept was made by Paul Nelson seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried.
An overview of the mid-year budget review was presented.
Old/New Business:
Addressing an increase to the wage of the Lounge Manager/Bookkeeper to start the next pay period.
Adjudication of donation funds from the Estate of Bill Swank to be discussed when received.
CFC Application for 2025 to be included as a non-profit. Tabled for the 2026 CFC year pending further investigation
Pull Tab Agent/Game Tech agent is no longer in business. A new company is called “TNT Dead Pulls” will be handling the closed out pull-tab games and conducting the audits and record keeping.
Good of the Legion:
With the new Glycol System in place, need E-board decision on the disposition of the old cooler. Suggestion s of selling it, donating it or just Scrap it were presented. Motion by Willie Nelson to scrap it was seconded by Dave Riley, Motion Caried.
Rick Baker- The Old HVAC system over the bar is in need of annual servicing, Randy’s H/C quoted a price of $311, but there may be some repairs needed. Motion by Paul Nelson to have the service conducted and if repair is needed, expend up to $800 for this, seconded by Ernie Williams, Motion Carried 9 Aye, 0 Nay
For bar events, the Lounge Manager would like to handle these, i.e.; Valentines Day, Superbowl, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and NYE Party, The Second Vice would handle Legion events., i.e.: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Post Picnic, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day Post Christmas Party
Dave Marsland- Thank you to all who helped with the last Steak Night, all steaks and chicken were sold. He would like see the check list start being used again.
Motion to adjourn made by Paul Nelson seconded by Dave Riley , meeting adjourned at 1812 .
L. “Willie” Nelson H. Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander
Meeting Date: December 03, 2024 Time: 1730 .
Roll Call of Officers: (P = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, L = Late, F- Fill In, V = Vacant)
Commander- Dave Marsland-P 1st Vice Commander- Dr E. Lee Felder-E
2nd Vice Commander- Cailin Goldey- P Finance Officer- Rick Baker- P
Jr. Past Commander- Dave Garrett- P
Member at Large (2027)- Willie Nelson- P Member at Large (2027)- Paul Nelson- p
Member at Large (2025)- Jon Wright- P Member at Large (2025)- Ernie Williams- F
Member at Large (2026)- Dave Riley- P Member at Large (2026)- Dana Bolte- P
Total Voting Members Present 10 (7 Minimum)
Guest Statements
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Motion to Waive the reading of minutes made by Paul Nelson , seconded by Cailin Goldey , motion carried
Finance Report:
Finance Report from the previous meeting was read, Motion to accept was made by Paul Nelson , seconded by Ernie Williams , motion carried.
Old/New Business:
Audit committee is in progress. Dana Bolte to Chair, Dave Riley and Spencer Henderson. Close to completion. Chair to meet with Finance Officer and review with the Commander and present at the 12/18 Gen Membership Meeting.
Good of the Legion:
Glycol System for the Kegs – Installation Complete on 12/02
December 14- Riders Christmas Party
December 14- Auxiliary Silent Auction ends
December 14- Army-Navy Game, Pot Luck
December 21- Post Christmas Party
December 31- New Years Eve Party will be a Casino Night.
Bar dish/glass washer- Behind bar, still waiting for answer from representative as to post counter-offer of $1200 and the Tax ID number for a tax deduction. The offer has been accepted, now obtaining for funding.
Radiant gas heaters for the smoking deck. Randy’s H/C will plumb the gas piping. Donation goal (Thermometer style) is posted in the lounge.
Looking ahead for Valentine’s Day, Possibility of a Burlesque night.
With the First of the year coming, and raises in State Minimum Wage, Motion by Finance Officer Baker to increase the wage for employees at Minimum wage to the state amount and the non-minimum Wage employees to get the CPI-W increase of 2.5% was seconded by Dave Riley, Motion carried. This will go into effect on the first full Pay Period of January.
Motion to adjourn made by Dave Garrett seconded by Rick Baker , meeting adjourned at 1759 .
L. “Willie” Nelson H. Dave Marsland
Adjutant Commander