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Standing Rules


Albert c Kean Post 149

The American Legion

Department of Washington





Revised by

Item Revised



Bob Kucenski,


Original Document



Bob Kucenski,


Revised in accordance with the changes approved at

The July 21, 2003 Post Meeting



Leo Nelson


Revised in accordance with the following changes approved at the February 18, 2020Post Meeting to correct grammatical errors throughout.

Amend page numberings in the Table of Contents

Article 3 Lounge Policies, added to section 1,following sentence 1 “possesses current year (calendar/Legion) membership card.

Article 3, section 2, bullet 1, removed “Note that “Social”, “associate”, or “club” membership cards is not proof of eligibility”

Section 5, Sentence 2, changed “he” to “He/she”. Sentence 5, added parenthesis following word “voted”

Article 5, Section 2, sentence 1, following word ,”firing” (with Post Commander concurrence)

Added Article 6: Book Keeper, Section 1, Chain of Command and  Section 2, Book Keeper Responsibilities

Numbered remaining Articles in correct order





Leo Nelson


Revised in accordance with the following addition.

Article 9: Employee Wages, Wage Increases and Vacation Policy. Section 1. Employee Pay, Section 2. Wage Increases and Section 3. Vacation Pay, accumulation, carry-over and sick pay hours













ARTICLE 1:        GENERAL……………………………………………………….……..……... 1    

Section 1.                Purpose: ……………………………………..…………………..……...…….. 1

Section 2.                Authority: ……………………………………………………….…………….. 1

Section 3.                Amendments and Revisions: …………………………………….……………. 1

ARTICLE 2:        MEETINGS..……………………………………………………….………….. 1

Section 1.                Time of Post Meetings: …………………………………………….………..... 1

Section 2.                Time of Executive Meetings: ……………………………………….………… 1

ARTICLE 3:        LOUNGE POLICIES……………………………………….……………….… 1

Section 1.                Authorized Patrons: ………………………………………………………….... 1

Section 2.                Proof of Eligibility: ………………………………………………………….… 2

Section 3.                Guest Policy: ……………………………………………………………….….. 2

ARTICLE 4:        ABSENTEE BALLOT PROCEDURES ………………………………….….. 2

Section 1.                Notice to Members: ……………………………….……………………….…... 2

Section 2.                Ballot Requests: …………………………………………………….………….. 2

Section 3.                Ballot Delivery to Member: …………………………………………………… 3

Section 4.                Ballot Receipt by the Post: …………………………………….………………. 3

Section 5.                Election Night: ……………………………………………….………………... 3

Section 6.                Eligibility: ……………………………………………………….…………….. 3

ARTICLE 5:        LOUNGE MANAGER ………………………………………………………… 4

Section 1.              Chain of Command ……………………………………………………………… 4

Section 2.              Lounge Manager Responsibilities ……………………………………………….. 4

ARTICLE 6:        BOOK KEEPER ……………………………………………………………….. 4

Section 1.              Chain of Command ……………………………………………………………… 4

Section 2.              Book Keeper Responsibilities ……………………………………………………. 4


Section 1.              Purpose and Definition …………………………………………………………... 4

Section 2.              Identification Cards ……………………………………………………………… 4

Section 3.              Designation ………………………………………………………………………. 4

ARTICLE 8:        INVENTORY COMMITTEE ………………………………………………… 5

Section 1.              Purpose ………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Section 2.              Property to be Inventoried ………………………………………………………. 5

Section 3.              Frequency of Inventory ………………………………………………………….. 5


Section 1.              Employee Pay …………………………………………………………………......5

Section 2.              Wage Increases ……………………………………………………………………5

Section 3.              Vacation ………………………………………………………………………   …5



















Albert C. Kean Post 149 Standing Rules


Section 1.              Purpose:

This document is intended to contain those items of a continuing nature which do not require authorization from the Department of Washington, and which relate to the operation of the post, its fund raising activities, and other operations. .

Section 2.              Authority:

Standing rules shall dictate the policies of Albert C. Kean Post 149. However, no provision of these Standing Rules may conflict with the National, Department, or Post Constitutions, Bylaws, or Standing Rules. In addition, no provision of these Standing Rules may conflict with any federal, state or local laws and requirements which effect the operation of the Post. Any provision of, or amendment to, said Constitutions, Bylaws, Standing Rules, laws or requirements which is in conflict with any provision hereof, shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of these Standing Rules to the effect of such conflicts.

Section 3.              Amendments and Revisions:

The procedure for amending or revising these Standing Rules shall be specified by the Post Bylaws.



Section 1.              Time of Post Meetings

Regular Post meetings shall be held at 6:00 PM on the day(s) specified by the Bylaws.

Section 2.              Time of Executive Committee Meetings

Executive Committee Meetings will be held at 5:30 PM on the day(s) specified in the Bylaws.



Section 1.              Authorized Patrons

All members of Albert C. Kean Post 149, Unit 149, and Detachment 149 shall be considered authorized patrons of the lounge provided they are in possession of a Legion Membership Card for the current (calendar/Legion) year, and are of legal drinking age in this state. In addition, the following are considered pre-authorized guests and, as such are authorized patrons of the lounge:

  • Members of any other Post, Unit, or Detachment of the American Legion.

  • Military personnel currently on active duty.

  • Members of any other veteran’s organization chartered by the US Government.

  • Members of any chartered Canadian veteran’s organization.

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Albert C. Kean Post 149 Standing Rules

Pre-authorized guests are required to enter their names in the guest log prior to being served.

Section 2.              Proof of Eligibility

  1. The bartender on duty is required to verify the eligibility of all authorized patrons on the lounge

  2. Al1 authorized patrons must have proof of their eligibility on their person at all times while in the lounge and must present this proof prior to being served for the first time each day and upon the request of the bartender or waitress on duty. Those patrons who cannot or will not provide proof of eligibility must be signed in as a regular guest before receiving services in accordance with guest policy. Proof of eligibility is defined as:

  • A current, valid membership card issued by one of the organizations listed in the previous section. A current, valid, active duty military identification card.

  • A current, valid, reservist military identification card and orders indicating the member is currently on active duty,

Section 3.              Guest Policy

Any authorized patron is entitled to sponsor guests in the lounge in accordance with the following:

  • Each sponsored guest must be signed in by an authorized patron prior to being served

  • Guest sponsors must be physically present in the building while the guest is present and are responsible for the conduct of their guests. This includes special events and private parties,

  • The bartenders, while on duty, and any waitresses, while on duty, may not sponsor guests.


Section 1.              Notice to the Members

Notice of availability of absentee ballots, the procedures to be followed for requesting a ballot, and the eligibility requirements are to be published in the newsletter in time to allow for proper notification of all members. If the newsletter is not published as scheduled, a special mailing must go to all members. In addition, an attempt will be made to contact deployed members via email (if available).

Section 2.              Ballot Requests

  1. Absentee ballot requests must be received by the post not later than the last working day prior to the day of the meeting in which nominations will be closed. The Adjutant may, at his/her discretion designate an earlier due date to facilitate processing of requests.

  2. Ballots may be requested by regular mail, email (if available), or hand delivery of the request to the Post. No verbal requests will be honored. No one may request a ballot for someone else. A special email address will be set up by the adjutant strictly for balloting purposes if this is practical. The ballot request will include the members name, membership number, date of request, reason for request, desired ballot delivery method (email or regular mail), and delivery address (email or regular mail).


  1. All requests for ballots will go to the Adjutant, who will verify the members eligibility in accordance with

Section 6 of this article and track and record all requests.




Standing Rules Page 2June 2022


Albert C. Kean Post 149 Standing Rules

Section3.               Ballot Delivery to Member

The day following the close of nominations, the Adjutant will prepare the absentee ballots. All ballots will have a tracking number to prevent fraud and ensure the privacy of the ballot. The Adjutant will either mail or email the ballot in accordance with the wished indicated on the ballot request. The Adjutant will maintain a confidential record showing tracking number assigned to each ballot request. The ballot will have the names of all members nominated for each position. No write in’s will be allowed.

Section 4.              Ballot Receipt by the Post

All completed ballots must be received by the Adjutant no later than the last working day prior to the Post meeting in which elections will be held. The Post accept no liability for delays incurred in the mail system, the email system, or any other delay in receipt. The Adjutant will verify the completeness and validity of each completed ballot received and store the ballots in a confidential location until the time and date of election. The Adjutant will not be allowed to discuss any information about the ballots except for the number received prior to the time and date of election.

Section 5.              Election Night

The Adjutant will have the completed, validated ballots available during voting. He/she will also have the tracking records available for confidential review in case a vote is challenged. Absentee ballots will be counted at the same time as other ballots. When the motion is made to destroy the ballots, the absentee ballots shall also be destroyed. The tracking record (which will not contain information about for whom a member voted) shall be maintained for a period of one month following elections, at which time it will be destroyed.

Section 6.              Eligibility

  1. Must be a member in good standing when the request for an absentee ballot is received by the Post (i.e.

dues paid up to date).


  1. Must be unable to attend due to circumstances beyond the member’s control. This would include, but not

necessarily limited to:

  1. Those members on active duty who are currently deployed.

  2. Those members who will be TDY due to their job and unable to be present for elections.

  3. Those members in nursing homes, etc, and those whose health would prevent them from attending the election meeting


  1. Specifically excluded from eligibility are:

  1. Members who permanently reside outside the local area

Members who desire an absentee ballot strictly for “convenience” sake.









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Albert C. Kean Post 149 Standing Rules


Section 1.              Chain of Command

The Post Commander shall have hire and fire authority regarding the Lounge Manager subject to the Executive Committee’s approval of his/her actions.

Section 2.              Lounge Manager Responsibilities

The Lounge Manager has sole responsibility for hiring, firing (with Post Commander concurrence), and supervision of the bartenders, waitresses and custodial staff. As such, he/she is responsible for creating and maintaining proper job description for those personnel.


Section 1.              Chain of Command

The Post Finance Officer shall have hire and fire authority regarding the Book Keeper subject to the Executive Committee’s approval of his/her actions.

Section 2.              Book Keeper Responsibilities

The Book Keeper has responsibility for maintaining financial records of the Post, making payments for monthly bills to the Post, ensuring the payments to vendors are completed, making bank deposits for the Post finance accounts, produce and provide a monthly financial report for the Executive Committee, and a shortened report available for the General Membership meeting.


Section 1.              Purpose and Definition

  1. Certain individuals who are ineligible for membership in the Legion, Auxiliary or SAL provide significant contributions to those organizations by their participation in activities, functions, etc of the organization. The purpose of this article is to allow the Post Commander, Auxiliary President, and SAL Commander the opportunity to recognize and reward these contributions.

  2. Individuals designated as “Guest of the Commander”, “Guest of the President”, or “Guest of the SAL

Commander” will have full lounge privileges as if they were a member of the organization, including participation in any “members only” activity. This designation does not, however, grant the individual voting rights in the organization.


Section 2.Identification Cards

Individuals designated as “Guest of the Commander”, “Guest of the President”, or “Guest of the SAL Commander” will be issued cards identifying them as such. These cards will be accepted in lieu of actual membership cards in the lounge.


Section 3.Designation

The Post Commander is authorized to designate up to five (5) individuals at his/her discretion subject to the guidance provided in Section 1. The Auxiliary President is authorized to designate up to two (2) individuals at her discretion

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Albert C. Kean Post 149 Standing Rules


subject to the guidance provided in Section 1. The SAL Commander is authorized to designate one (1) individual at his discretion subject to the guidance provided in Section 1. Such designation expires on December 31st of the year it was made or when revoked by the designator, whichever comes first. The individual designating a “Guest of the …” is fully responsible for the conduct of the individual so designated.




Section 1.Purpose

The purpose of the Inventory Committee is to maintain an inventory of Post Property.


Section 2.Property to be Inventoried

The following items, are at a minimum, will be maintained on the Post inventory

  1. Any item values at over $25.00

  2. All furniture, regardless of cost

  3. All electronic appliances, regardless of cost

Section 3.              Frequency of Inventory

Post property shall be inventoried at least once per officer year.



Section  1.             Employee Pay

  1. Starting pay for employees shall be the minimum wage set by Washington State law.  If a new hire has previous experience and the hiring official deems that a wage above that level is warranted, it must be approved by the Post Commander.

Section 2.              Wage Increases

  1. All employees should get an annual cost of living wage based on the CPI-W. This figure normally is announced in mid-October. The E-board will review the Post financial status in November/December each year and insure the Post can finically afford to increase the wages per the CPI-W.  This wage increase will take affect for all employees on the first full pay period earned in January. If an employee is a recent Hire, a wage increase may not be warranted if not required by a minimum wage increase IAW Washington State l000aws, other wage increases may be deemed necessary during the year and need to be approved, per the post bylaws by the E-Board.  Things to consider for those wage increases should be: Has the employee taken on more responsibility? Has the employee sales increased dramatically during the year.  Is the employee’s cash box and gambling receipts accurate?  Are they going above and beyond all the jobs listed in their job description? Is the current pay, fair for the job market in Kitsap County?

Section 3.              Vacation

  1. Employees shall earn one hour of paid vacation per pay period, after two years of consecutive employment.  After five years of consecutive employment the employee will earn two hours per pay period. No more than 10 hours leave time can be carried over per calendar year. Annual vacation may be donated to another employee.  

  2. Sick leave shall be administered per Washington State law.  






Leo J. Nelson  Date                                                                             Hugh D. Marsland   Date

Adjutant                                                                                                Commander
















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Signature on File  06/21/2022                                 Signature on File: 06/21/2022

Leo J Nelson            Date                                          Hugh D. Marsland   Date

Adjutant                                                                     Commander       

​© 2001-2015 Albert C. Kean Post 149, Bremerton Wa. All rights
reserved. The emblems and logos of the American Legion, the American Legion
Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion and the Legion Riders are copyrighted
by the American Legion National Headquarters. Emblems and logos of other
organizations are the sole property of those organizations and are used with permission.​​


Website created and managed by legion149webmaster.


Website Hosting​ and ​​​​​Domain Name Registration by ©Verio Inc.

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